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OGC API Coverages


Although it does not directly integrate this functionality into its user interface, QGIS allows you to connect to OGC API Coverages endpoints through the GDAL drivers it uses.

Open an OGC API - Coverages collection in QGIS

Follow the steps to add some collections from an OGC API - Coverages enpoint:

  • From the Layer menu, select Add Layer > Add Raster layer


Alternatively, you can use the following key combination: Ctrl + Shift + R

OGC API Coverages connexion Connexion to an OGC API Coverages service via QGIS

  • For the Source Type choose File

  • In the Raster dataset(s) field, provide the collection_id endpoint (e.g by the following string: OGCAPI

  • Click on the Add button

The following datasource should then been displayed in your QGIS client.

GNOSIS OGC API Coverages service GNOSIS OGC API Coverages service